Plastic products
Anti-Vibration Clamps
The anti-vibration performance offered by clamps prevents shaking and sound generated by piping from reaching the interior of a vehicle. When increasingly large-sized and more costly products are required to control sources of vibration and sound, clamps are a particularly effective solution for their compact size and ability to protect the cabin environment. Clamps come in a wide variety of types, including those that prevent vibration at fastening points within vehicles and those that isolate vibration at piping points, depending on the performance required, and the route of the piping to be installed.

Tokyo branch office: 81-(0)44-589-9515
Chubu branch office: 81-(0)566-45-5241
Osaka branch office: 81-(0)6-6385-2332
Chugoku branch office: 81-(0)82-532-1785