Grommets which improve workability by changing materials to TPE
Products which fix a vibrating part and the body to absorb the vibration.
By exerting our originality and ingenuity, we changed meterials and improved workability.
The Grommet is vibration-damping and hardly-detached one. Also we successfully reduced its product cost at the same time.
Consequently, the product is appreciated.
In June 2018, we were given the honerable “Project Award 《technological development》” by TOYOTA in appreciation of the achievements of the work.

Development contents

Tokyo branch office: 81-(0)44-589-9515
Chubu branch office: 81-(0)566-45-5241
Osaka branch office: 81-(0)6-6385-2332
Chugoku branch office: 81-(0)82-532-1785